Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Breckin's 4 month

What an eventful day in our house hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breckin went in for his 4 month check up today...he got all A's. He is 16lbs 6oz (77%) and he is 25 5/8 inches long(75%). While we were in there waiting for the dr to come in, he finally rolled over! He rolled from his belly to his back about 2 weeks ago, but today he rolled back to belly! And he kept doing it over and over! He was so proud of himself! The dr said he is very healthy and is a VERY happy little man!

Aspen is doing great. She is really loving her dance class, she is still in gymnastics as well!

We went to Southfork lake last weekend and Aspen really scared me! She has NO fear of the water, we got there and she went running into the water. And would go all the way out until it reached her shoulders!! She had a blast. Breckin loved to sit and let the water splash him. He would laugh everytime the water splashed him!

Brandon starts his new job on Monday July 6. He is very excited! Thats about all the news for us!


  1. I love that Breckin is a chunky baby! Alex is sooooooo chunky. I am excited to see how much he weighs at his 4 month in a few weeks!!! What kind of job did Brandon get?

  2. He is actually doing the same job, just working for the mine now and not a contractor. He was working for Liebherr Mining Equip. that was contracted out at Cortez Gold mine, and he got hired on at the mine.


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Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
